What’s disrupting your gut balance?

Are you gassy, bloated, constipated, fatigued after meals, experience brain fog, anxiety, depression or crave sugar and carbs?

All these symptoms are too often labeled as common in our modern society and are often times not given the attention they require.
I read something the other day that really resonated with me "If you listen to your body when it whispers you won't have to hear it scream.” All these symptoms are whispers and if you don't listen and take a deeper look at what's at the root of these symptoms you will eventually hear the scream.

Your body is wise and will always give you clues as to whether you are thriving or ailing.

So what is the root of these symptoms?
It's a lengthy list that is very much a reflection of our modern lifestyle;

  • overuse of antibiotics and other gut damaging medications

  • gluten

  • processed foods

  • sugar

  • alcohol

  • dairy

  • stress

  • lack of quality sleep

All of this leads to inflammation in the gut lining and dysbiosis (imbalance) in your gut flora. These gut disruptors not only wreak havoc and disrupt your digestive and mental health but can also lead to autoimmune disease.

This doesn't mean you can never enjoy cake or have a glass of wine with your girlfriend but if you have any of these symptoms show up in your life on a regular basis it may be time to take a step back, reflect and pull back from these gut disruptors and enjoy the feeling of good gut health.

Your gut has an amazing ability for self-repair and it's not that complicated but you do have to remove the triggers that disrupt your gut balance and cause inflammation. 


Eating healthy whole foods, managing stress and getting quality sleep moves the needle towards better digestion, elimination and a healthy microbiome.  Good gut health is possible for every body, no matter your age, gender, how many symptoms you are currently experiencing or where you are on your wellness journey.


Simple Gluten-free Bolognese recipe


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